Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday 10th April

Good afternoon everyone.

I hope you've all had a lovely easter.  Sorry I haven't really been around of late, just had so much going on, and then I had a break away after the weekend.
All I can say is what strange weather at the moment ;-) It's difficult to know what to wear, let alone getting the kids dressed ;-) 
I'm just looking out at the sky now, and it's about to pour down :-( We took the kids out to an indoor play area yesterday and they had lots of fun, even made some new friends..... After all the fun of the school and everyone saying they didn't make friends easily.....

So, anyway, I've bought some things to start my own drawings for my cards, got some photo's ready to use to help draw and I even started working on my own deck this weekend.  I've got 2 decks in planning, so here's hoping it works out.... ;-) Just trying to get prices now for printing them up, thinking about self publishing.

Anyway, that's enough of me going on.... Here's the Fortune card and Transparent Tarot for today. 
So, the Shield is here.  Whilst you hold the shield, your adversaries can not penetrate your defences.  a thick skin keeps you safe from harm.  Till trust is gained, your emotions are hidden.

When we have someone to stand beside us or in front of us we feel strong.  We learn to keep our emotions in check, but there are times when we wear our hearts on our sleeves.
It is good to be able to show that you are emotional at times.  It has it's uses, but at times, you need to keep your emotions in check. 

When you feel that you are being battered constantly by another persons emotions, imagine yourself holding a shield that forms a protective barrier all around you.

Our next cards are from the Transparent tarot.

We have the King of Pentacles, the King of Cups and Justice.

As we've seen in the past our King of Pentacles is all about connecting to the earth, he's well grounded with connections to nature and animals, loving to get about in the great outdoors.
Now, our King of Cups is an emotional guy, and this is also where the need for our shield steps in.  He's moody, irritable and it's feeling like he's not a very nice person to know.

He likes to make it seem like he is the loving caring person, but in fact, he isn't.  he's laughing behind your back, thinking you're going to  let his thoughts, words and actions get to you, but in this instance you're not.
Our sword of justice is here, weighing up the balance between these 2 men.  Which is better for you in any instance.  Now if you look at the placing of the cards today you can see that justice overlaps our King of Pentacles and the King of cups is off to one side.  Our pentacle king is far more balanced and relaxed in everything that he does, he is able to support as well as give good advise, should you choose to listen to what he has to say.

The King of Pentacles uses the sword to cut the ties that bind us to the King of Cups, and cut through the barriers of injustice that have been caused, or the injustice that we feel that has been caused by this man.

So don't forget, for a full list of all the readings available please visit my website Coyote's Realm

Take care today and enjoy what's left of the holidays ;-) 

Robyn xxx

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Tuesday 3rd April

Good afternoon everyone....

Don't you just love the holidays?   I've been having to help my son with his DS game.... such hard work ;-)  and then I've had my daughter being a star trek impersonator..... A Klingon.... honestly couldn't do anything as she kept on strangling me..... Talk about cruelty to children, this is cruelty to mothers!!!
So anyway, I got my new deck in the post today.  I've just got the Pathfinder Animal Totem cards.  The artwork is beautiful and so many cards..... 

Today, we've got the Empress, Knight of Wands and the King of Pentacles.

Our knight has the desire to travel.  
Right at the last minute he will decide to take off somewhere.  Spontaneous is the key word with this card today.  He inspires others around him to do new things, it maybe a burst of new energy which helps them to get motivated.  
We then look at the king, he's all about the connection to the earth, having worked hard for what he's got, he has a good connection with animals and plants, and these 2 guys go well together.  With their hard work and dedication they help towards building a better future.  

Ideally suited to working outside or with animals, helping to restore things, so that the earth can regrow what she has lost.  These guys are in the ideal position with their roles in life to help heal the earth.  One to nurture and grow things, and to encourage self sufficiency, and the other to encourage others to try new things.The knight looks to the king for help and guidance, and the king having been there and done that is in the right place to help at this time.These 2 tend to bounce idea's off each other, they compliment each other in many ways, the older male guiding the younger, helping to heal both themselves and the earth, and encourage others to continue their work.

Now, lets have the newbies out ;-)The card I've picked from the Pathfinders deck is the Wolverine/Badger.
The wolverine is known for its strength, ferocity and endurance. More importantly, it is intuitively aware of its own personal power, which enables it to make the most of its potential. Wolverine tells us to examine our lives and abandon the things that stand in the way of using our own personal power to reach our goals.We must learn when to use our strength, ferocity and determination in situations.  We must be ready to endure difficult times and keep going no matter what.  Our insight into situations will guide us through, but we must be willing to make the changes in order improve things.

 The last card I've picked for today is from the Fortune cards.  We have The Oracle.

The Oracle is the supreme keeper of knowledge.  seek wisdom and guidance from elders.  Consult books, teachers or knowledgeable authorities.  The Oracle could also represent a sacrifice made in the quest for wisdom.

When we want to learn something and aren't sure where to go, it is always best to ask those who have the knowledge available.  Sometimes though we have to find our own answers.  

That's all for today, if you have any more questions, why not hop on over to the forum  or to book a reading or tarot course, go to the website 

I look forward to seeing you all, take care and have a lovely day today.

R xx

Monday, 2 April 2012

Monday 2nd April

Wow, April already.... March flew by didn't it?

Sorry I've not been around for a few days, the kids finished on Friday and so we had end of term assembly...... Now we have 2 weeks off..... Not sure I'll manage to last lol ;-)

So what have you got planned for the coming weeks?  If the weather lasts we'll be out and about, but failing that, the DS or Wii will come in handy....

I'm just hoping my kids easter eggs come in time.... It gets quite awkward as I have to get Dairy free things for them, so in the local shops they're not always in stock, so I have to go online for them, but at least it won't affect them like the normal dairy stuff does.
I'd rather healthy kids that don't suffer asthma and eczema through being given dairy products...

So anyway, here's our cards for today.  We've got the Transparent Tarot and Animal Wise Tarot Today for a change.

Today, the 3 cards we're focusing on are the Page of Cups, 7 of Pentacles  and the 2 of Pentacles.
So, I'm looking at this card as 3 individual souls today.  Focusing first on the page, we have a young girl, she's emotional and very much, she wears her heart on her sleeve.  She can be easily baited or annoyed which she tends to react to by exploding, or running away from things.  She can take comments to heart and the things that affect her mostly are by a young boy, signified by the 7 of pentacles.  He is always on the go, not wanting to sit still, he is the "fidget" of the family. 

The difficulty is with these 2 children, one always wanting to do something and the other being the more emotional of the 2 it is often difficult to find the right balance for both their needs.
When the boy child feels light of heart and not angry, then the scales tip the girl the other way, she reacts sullenly and appears argumentative in order to gain the attention, but when the focus is not on the boy, he then plays the role of the argumentative child and the girl in this instance is the one who gets upset by his actions.
It's time to learn to balance our home life and work life equally, just as we balance our inner and outer child.
We can't have sun without the night, just as we can't have dark without light, so we have to learn to nurture not only ourselves but also the others in our care and find out the needs and wants of all involved and not take things for granted.

The next card is from the Animal Wise tarot, and we have the Hanged Man.

The animal on this card is the Bat, and his message is that of New Truths and Perceptions.  To see things clearly, there maybe need to hang around in different places or even hang upside down for a while to view things differently.  Think of an illusion, it doesn't always appear the same to another person, it can affect them differently.
This is the time to think and look at things maybe from a child's point of view or even from another adults.  Place yourself in their shoes.  If the shoe was on the other foot, what would you feel, or what would you think?

At the moment, it feels like we are being held back for some reason.  the truth will soon become clearer, but only when you are ready to open your eyes properly and see things for what they really are.
Learn to observe things but remain unseen as you do so.

So, that's all for today, but if you feel you would like a reading with any of the cards that are available, feel free to head on over to the website for more information.  There's different readings available as well as prices to suit all pockets.And if you book a reading, there will be a little surprise when you receive it in your in box.
So why not call today.

Take care, big hugs and positive thoughts going out top you all.

R xxx

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Tuesday 27th March

Good Morning....
Well another beautiful day here, yet again.... better make the most of it really seeing as it might not last, you know what the weather is like ;-) 

So for today, we have the Transparent Tarot and the Llewellyn Tarot.

Today, we have the High Priestess, the Knight of Pentacles and the 2 of swords.

So today, staring with the Knight, it's looking like he's on a journey.  As we take a look at him, we see that he's down to earth, trust worthy and steady.  He's not one of these people who is the centre of attention, he tends not too stand out.  he is more likely to work behind the scenes rather than be in the spotlight.  A hard worker, he likes to succeed in the things he does, and prefers quality over quantity.   

This journey that he's on, is again about finding the spiritual knowledge that is inside himself, but that he also has started to gain access to.  He's starting to move forward on his journey, if he hasn't already realised it.  It's time to meditate and focus on the job in hand.  

The 2 of swords, is sitting and patiently working through the book or the knowledge he has been given.
Now, at this moment in time, there maybe a conflict going on with this Knight, a conflict of interests perhaps, or needing to find the right balance before undertaking anything else.  There are 2 pathways, and which one is chosen is up to the knight.  Nobody else can choose his pathway for him, only he can do it.

How many people around you do you know that keep the peace but at their own expense?  It is difficult to walk both pathways at the same time, and give both the full attention they deserve.  In order to progress, you have to choose just one path.

Also think about the environmental impact on the world and try to live a more sustainable lifestyle.  Again, like the rest of the cards today, it's time to be wise with money, listen to financial advice when it is given to you.

This is the Hanged Man from the Llewellyn deck.  Now most Hanged Man cards picture the man upside down, however this deck doesn't.  The man is hanged on by his hands, and one foot tied behind the other whilst the other remains on the floor.  He's tether to the spot for the present moment, not being able to move.

We look at him through the doorway, but it feels like he is moving away from me, but as I look closely, I feel myself moving away from him rather than him away from me.

Patience is a key word with this card, but the more I look today, the more I see that I am starting to move forward again with the journey, we are no longer still.

It has felt like the door has been closed to us for a long time, and now it is open we can start to move on because the timing is right, everything that needed working on has been worked on and so now we can move on, and carry on this journey, but it may well mean we leave others behind because they are not ready.

You can't hold yourself back when it is time to move forward in anything you do.  You are not alone on this journey and you know that.

For a reading with these cards, or any others I use for that matter, please head on over to  Coyote's Realm

Right, take care everyone and I'll see you all tomorrow.

Lots of love and hugs

R xxxx

Monday, 26 March 2012

Monday 26th March

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, and enjoyed the fabulous weather here in the UK.  I went walking in the Peak district on Saturday.  Got some lovely pictures, so once I've got this blog done, I'll put up another post with some of the pictures for you all.

Today, I thought we'd have the Enchanted Oracle and the Transparent Tarot.

 Well, for our Transparent Cards today, we have the Star, the High Priestess and the 8 of Wands...
Firstly when I pulled these cards out, and focused on them I heard the Queen song.... Don't Stop Me Now ~ Queen....
So anyway......
Starting with the 8 of wands, firstly, I want to say onwards and upwards,  hold on tight, because we're starting to get going, we're going on a ride, a journey of sorts, spiritual or work related, but things are now starting to move forward.  It's been a feeling of the fog is slowly lifting and leaving the path clear for you to see.
Now, the thing is with the these cards is that as I look at them, they're all about development and developing spiritually.  Things have blocked us, or we haven't been ready to move on, but now, we've cleared those hurdles and we're ready to get going again.  That door that was locked has now been opened again, yet again, it is a time of transformation.
The High Priestess often shows up when knowledge has been held secret from us.  It is veiled so it can't be seen until we are ready for it.  Where as with our 8, the energy is quite bouncy and light, the Priestess is more of a calming influence over us.  Maybe some meditation to help calm your mind and help access your own inner power and knowledge.

The star shines down on the other cards.  Even when things seem dark, there is always light, there is always hope.  Whatever you're creating, it will work, have faith.  Learn to have love for yourself as well as others, for the things that surround you everyday.  Remember, you are the star of your own life, nobody else, don't let them take your lime light, keep that for yourself.  Showcase you for the beautiful soul that you are.  Don't be afraid to show your uniqueness, it is what makes you .... You!
Let yourself be inspired today, and carry that inspiration through into reality.
Remember, let your inner light shine out.... You are the Star of your life, be proud of that and stand tall.
Things are moving forward, get ready to keep up!! ;-)
We have the Gypsy Rose from the Enchanted Oracle.  
Now this card often appears when you've been working too hard or worrying too much.  Now it's time to stop and take a break.  
Do something that makes your heart leap with excitement, it doesn't have to be a big leap, it can be about rediscovering something, a lost pleasure, a favourite place or even just making plans with a friend.
Put away your troubles for a little while and enjoy yourself, have some fun for a change.
When your outlook changes, you may find things aren't as bleak or as difficult as you first thought.
The major part though of this card.... Enjoy and have fun.
Rose tinted glasses aren't meant to change the way the world looks, but they are there to enhance the things we do see and shade out the cares and worries for the present moment.
It's only a day, so relax and enjoy, get back to work properly tomorrow. ;-) 

So the advice today is be ready for the ride, and also to take a break..... All in favour.... type aye!!!
Lets enjoy this weather, and go for it, we are ourselves.
Your word for today is ........ UNIQUE...

Now if you like these cards or any of the others you see on this blog, you can have a reading with them, at Coyote's Realm Readings

That's all for now, so I'll see you all tomorrow,

Bye for now

R xxxxx

Friday, 23 March 2012

Friday 23rd March

Good morning Everyone,
How's your day been so far?  It started off dull here, but it's getting brighter now :)
What a busy morning for me already, have hoovered, moped the floor, tidied the kitchen and done a bit of DIY already.... plus the cards.... Not sure that I've actually stopped ;-) 

Anyway, Here's your cards today we're having the Gothic Tarot, transparent Tarot and also the Enchanted Oracle today.

We start Friday off with the Queen of Swords

I admire your honesty, but you are not telling you Queen everything, are you?  How am I able to aid you if you hold things back from me?  
How can others help us when we don't give them the full story? I feel like I'm drowning in sorrow today with this card, and I want to say about wearing your heart on your sleeve. 

You need to start being more open with others, telling them the things that you hold close to your heart. Start to release the things held in your heart and you can start to heal. 
It could manifest at any time, when it is least expected, but know that you are loved with passion, kindness and caring, and that you will not be turned away for saying what is troubling you, or what you feel.
This is when the healing truly starts. 

Here's the Dark Queen from the Enchanted Oracle.

You know those answers and the understanding you've been seeking?  There's good news and there's bad news.... ;-)  

The good news is .... it can be found..... the bad news is, it maybe better to leave that stone unturned.... In a way, it's a bit like Atlantis ;-)
We know it was there, but should we really seek it out, for fear of what maybe or may not be found? 

Consider for the moment about letting things drop, but know that if you persist, your prayers will be heard and you will get your answer.  As is befitting a gift from the Dark Queen, it is like a double-edged sword : It will cut through your confusion, but at the same time it will hurt.  The answer will be veiled and hidden away and you will have to look closely for it.  Be aware of signs around you, seek answers deep within.  It maybe you have to search the hidden corners of your mind.
The question is, do you really need to know the answer and risk hurting the ones you love?  

Think carefully before you speak.
Ok, for our last deck, the Transparent Tarot, we 're looking the 4 and 7 of Pentacles and the Hanged One.

Our 4 of pentacles, well he's a bit of an old scrooge.  he doesn't really want to part with his hard earned cash, and who can blame him, but the thing is, he's placing all of his ideals in one thing.  There's the saying, don't put your eggs in one basket.... We need this guy to learn to share.... share his knowledge, his wisdom, and make him learn to share some of his cash around, and not be so materialistic.  he needs to learn to be like our 7 of Pentacles.
Our 7 has learnt to juggle things around to make them work.  Its taken time and patience though.  he's learnt to share, and the things that he has paid into, are now starting to reward him, he has reaped what he has sown in life.  this guy is ready to make that big step forward now, whether it's getting married or starting something new, he is ready to step into the big wide world.
This card ties in nicely with our Hanged one, because our hanged one is about time and patience, as is the 7.  We can grow so much both in our selves and also spiritually when we take the time to sit and wait.
We do need sometimes to take a step back and view things from a different angle, but when we do, things will appear much clearer and brighter than before.
Our 4 wonders here as to how he can do that, but he needs to think clearly, not with just his head, but his heart as well, he needs to ground himself and move on, but he will get there in time. 

So that's all for today, but as always if you would like a reading with any of these cards, or any of the others that I use, head on over to Coyote's Realm

Take care and have a beautiful day.

R xxx

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Wednesday 21st March

Where has the sun gone? It's not here today.... never mind, could be worse I suppose... So, how are we all today?  Are we doing anything interesting?
I'm not, once I've done the blog, I'm washing up, hoovering and getting fit.....
You know what though?  I'm already tired with just thinking about it all. ;-)

Ok, so on with todays cards.  If you do want a reading with any of the cards that appear on this blog, then please go to Coyote's Realm ~ Book a Reading
Lots of available options to suit every pocket. ;-)

Today, we've got 3 decks.  The Dragonfae Oracle, Fortune card and the Transparent Tarot.

So, I'll start today with the Transparent Tarot.  It's such an interesting deck to work with.
Anyway, we have the 2 of cups, the 3 of wands and the Hermit.

I actually want to start this with "Once upon a time".  ;-)

In the far distance, there is a mountain.  It stands tall above the villages below, and it's one that even though it's tall, and lonely and difficult, people are willing to give it a go.  It makes us sit down and think about what it is we want to achieve out of life, is it that we want the recognition for what we're about to do, or is it that we can prove to ourselves we can do this.  

We have the people below in the village, the 2 become 5 as a group of people band together happy in the knowledge that they can do this challenge.

I want to say that these people are standing in a circle, they're holding hands, bringing together their faith and certainty that they can overcome what has been thrown in their path way.   

The 2 cups, gives them the knowledge that everything is happening for the right reasons, and the 3 wands, is the triad, they form the very foundations.  Each of these 5 represents the points of the pentagram.  Air, water, fire, earth and finally spirit.  The light at the top of the mountain is where they will get to be.  They are working together as a team, not as individuals.

Our next card is from the Dragonfae Oracle, and we have The Morrighan.  

Whatever we are doing, we need to take action!  You are at a critical point in your life right now, it's time for change.  From the transformation you will become stronger and wiser, but you can't back down from this, you have to stand and face your fears.

Break free from the things which hold you back, jobs or relationships where you feel unappreciated.  Learn to work with your fears and create the change yourself.

The last card for today is Love.  

The golden heart is a symbol of true love and romance.  it represents honesty, fidelity, rekindling of affections and a lasting union.  You will attain your hearts desire.

Love always hits when we least expect it.  When we sit down and realise that life is not over just because we're single again.  We regret that we're on our own etc, but when we start to think about it in terms of "well ok I'm single and I'm going to enjoy it", that's when love comes waltzing round the corner.

It feels like today this is our fear.  We have to face the fact that we are worthy of recieving love and affection, and that ok, some may consider themselves still married, but at the end of the day,  there are things that we can not do alone, as I was so rightly reminded by a lovely lady in the last couple of days ;-)
Yes, it is scary, thinking about moving on and starting afresh, but you are supported, by friends, family and those in spirit. 

For all you singletons out there, if you're on Facebook, then check out Dating Extreme . It was set up by a friend of mine, actually she's the one who reminded me about things ;-) and whilst you're at it, come and like my facebook pages for Reiki and Readings

So that's all for today, have a good one, and remember you are loved, you can change things and there is no 'I' in Team... You can do this....

Lots of Love to you all

R xxxx

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Tuesday 20th March

Morning Everyone
Hope you had a lovely day yesterday, and that you have a lovely day today.  I'm having one of those days today ;-) think I could do with going back to bed for a while, but I can't.  Housework, my favourite job..... (Not) then again, a bit of tidying up and hoovering and I'll be done.

I've decided today to go with the Gothic Tarot and the Transparent Tarot.

It's Tuesday, and today the card is the Fool.

"To his newborn glance, a world of innocence and wonder awaits.  Yet, shall it be that he will heed the dangers that await his all to innocent gaze."

This little guy is innocent right now, he knows no evil or hatred.  He wonders what lies in store.  He has to learn to watch out for the dangers that lie in wait, the temptations that surround him on this new journey.  

There are times when we need to look at things through the eyes of our children.  they can not say what they truly want, think or feel because they do not yet have the vocabulary to put their thoughts into words.

More often than not, they take out their actions on those closest to them, and it can make everyone feel like they have to walk on egg shells.
Today is about learning to look through the eyes of the child and see what they see, hear what they hear.  If they see you showing hatred towards others, then they learn to do the same.  

See today as a new start, one were you are ready to stand and fight for what is right, but with the beauty of innocence at your side, and with a fresh new set of eyes to see the things that have been missed before.

In our Transparent Tarot today, we have the Knave of Wands, the Ace of Pentacles and the 3 of Cups.

Looking at these cards today, I'm seeing a child, infact we have a young boy.  He has fire in his heart, he has passion for the things he does, but as of yet he does not realise the things he says or the things he does can have an impact on others.
I would say this is an aries child, never sitting still always on the go.  They haven't as yet found their place, their niche in life, and it is up to you to help them find it.  A break away from things is needed to help them slow the mind down, and get routine back in place.
To feel safe and protected they need to know you are there for them, connected to the earth and helping them to ground themselves each day.  When in nature, we help this child to connect, to heal themselves and let themselves be understood.  
Things will take time to settles down, so although you may feel like celebrating right now, just wait.
I see this 3 of cups today as the foundations supporting this child, meaning that there are 3 people who all support and love this child, they are the ones who will help him to heal, they are the ones who will be there no matter what.
It feels like it's time to move away from the prescribed medicines and work towards more natural remedies to aid health.
The children of today, are the tomorrows adults of the future, lets help them to work towards a better foundation for what is to come.

Well that's all for today, but if you'd like a reading with any of the cards here, then please visit Coyote's Realm and if you'd like to talk about these cards or ask any questions about anything spiritual or just need support in some way then why not join my forum 

Everyone is welcome.

Take care and have a lovely day folks.  See you all tomorrow

R xxxx

Monday, 19 March 2012

Monday 19th March

Good morning everyone, 

I hope you all had a lovely time with your mothers yesterday and to all you mothers, I hope you had a lovely day, filled with happiness.
I had some beautiful flowers from my children and also a dream catcher, and they also treated me to a lie in and breakfast in bed, so I really can't complain.  

Anyway, today, I've pulled a Gothic Tarot and Brian's card.... for a change ;-) 

On this lovely sunny Monday morning we have the Knight of Cups.
"In cold dark chambers she waits, her imagination awash with romantic ideals.  She remembers days of sun and poems on the lips of her lost suitors."
We're looking back at past loves, and thinking about what was within our grasp. 
Ask yourself, is it "better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all" ? 
Our lives are enriched when we find love, especially when it is unconditional love.
It brings the romance to the fore, and changes things and shows everything in a new light.

In this card today, we're looking away from the light, and we're wanting to withdraw back to the days that were, to how we knew how to be, whether that was as a single or as a new relationship or even one an established relationship. 

Tying this card in with our Brian Card, it's
all about looking for new ways. 

Things change, we change, situations change and in order to move on we must be willing to embrace the new. It is scary, but the light at the end of the tunnel when we face the right direction is there. It's ready and waiting to show you the way, but only when you're ready to move on. 

Yes, another new deck ;-)  well not so new, but just been sitting around for a while.... 
This is the Enchanted Oracle.

The Emerald Princess tells us there is something that is happening, which doesn't feel right to you. Maybe you need to raise your voice a little and speak out, or maybe it's about standing up for yourself or another. Think things through though, if it may be deemed reckless or immature, think about letting it go. 
This week though it feels like it's about standing up for your rights and for yourself and not backing down to those who you might fear. Be strong, would you rather stand tall, and speak your mind and be proud of yourself for saying what you think, or would you rather kick yourself when the opportunity passes you by?

By speaking out, this could spark the change in your world.

So, the theme here today is about change, but in order for the change to happen, we must be willing to change.  We have to take the step forward, and look for new ways to do things.  Stand up and be counted for the things you feel that are right for you.  Not right for anyone else, but for you.  We can stand up for others, and we do, because that is us as people, but there are times when we need to think about ourselves and do it for us, not for others.

Have a great day, and enjoy the weather.

R xxx

Friday, 16 March 2012

Friday 16th March

Well, good morning everyone.... Happy Friday ;-) 

We've got sun!!! makes a change from the last couple of days.
I've decided on 3 cards from the Transparent Tarot again today.  I'm really liking this deck, normally I break the deck down into majors and minor arcana's, but this is one of the very few decks I actually feel comfortable using them altogether straight away. ;-) 

So, today, we're looking at the 3 of Cups, the Magician and the 5 of swords.

There are celebratory times ahead, you have to work at them at times, but they are there.  Rejoice with friends and family, place your trust in them.
Today, the story is about being spiritual, what is happening, what is coming forth.  Joining groups can help to enhance your abilities.  this gives you a good foundation, should you need help.  
The magician can bring our thoughts into reality, and this is what we need to do, be the magician... stop thinking about things and just do them.  Be positive about it. 
there are those who will try and bring you down.  They may cause arguments and make you question your self.  Don't let yourself give up.
When things are working, we feel good about it, we want to share it with others, but when the chips are down and things don't work, we keep it to ourselves.  We all need to learn to work together, rather than side by side.

Our fortune card, ties in nicely with the 5 of swords. 

Medusa is the card of jealousy.  Jealousy can lead to downfall.  Why be jealous of someone else?  What you don't know is that their riches may have come from losing a loved one.  The other person may have to work 2 jobs just to have the things they do.  Look at the bigger picture, before passing judgement.

When we're jealous, it pushes people away from us, leaving us alone.  As people, we can often be our own worst enemy.
When we realise what we're doing, we then start to punish ourselves.  It's not worth it.  Remember jealousy isn't good for us, it will bring about our downfall.

So that's it for today.  Not sure what cards I'll use tomorrow, but why don't you let me know which ones you'd like to see? 

Leave me a comment ;-) 

R xxx

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Thursday 15th March

Well, good morning everyone
I don't know about you, but I'm cold, I'm tired and hungry but I've got so much to do.

I've decided to introduce you to The Transparent tarot as well today ;-) so here it is.  Sorry about the picture, it's quite hard to get a good picture without any reflection etc 

First card that I'm looking at is the base card which is the Queen of Wands. As a person, this lady is vivacious, charming and has no problem when all the focus is pinned on her. She's creative, imaginative and maybe just sometimes, she's a bit of a diva! She loves her children to encourage her children to be able to express themselves, but also keeping boundaries in place. She has lots of ideas that need harnessing, I can feel the energy bouncing out of this card, and it feels good.
The second card is the 4 of Wands. This is a card that is saying about goals have been achieved, and things are working out. Solid foundations that were put in place are now working out.
Our third card is the 9 of Pentacles. We have another positive card here. All those money worries that we once had, are now starting to vanish into the sunset. yes we still have to work for what we've got, but we're not worrying about this years holiday are we?

Now, I'm actually not looking at this as a person today though. It's a time of independence and self-empowerment, especially for women. It's about not giving up who we are, being strong and fighting for what is right. If we have to get on a soap box... we do it... We do it to improve our relationships and bring new relationships into our lives to enrich them and enjoy things. It is better for all is we build relationships on firm foundations. we are starting to expand and move forward with new horizons in view.
On a spiritual level we've finally started to find our feet. Everything is coming together as it should. 
Now after all our hard work of building things up, we can finally reap what we've sown. Ok, we've been self reliant too long.... having to fight for what is right, what we believe in and where we are headed. Yes, we can do that alone, but isn't it always better to be able to share that with someone else. Our foundations are strong, we fight for what is right and we fight for love, the love of our family.
Now lets all let our inner diva's out today, be that person who makes another's day... you don't have to spend any money, just a few words of encouragement and support... Lets spread some happiness today! ;-) 


I also decided on a Fortune card as well today.  

We have the Hand of Fate.

This hand of fate works in mysterious ways.  Forces which are beyond our control intervene in our current situation and destiny offers us new opportunities.  Justice does prevail in this instance, and all is working out for you.
Our fate and destiny lie in our own hands.  We have the power to change what lies ahead if we want to.
Things may have seemed out of control , and that someone else was in the driving seat.  Now though, you're back in control, no-one else.  You can press the gas pedal, or the brake pedal.... the choice is yours.

There was always something written in the stars for you, not that you knew it..... but it always happens at the right time. 

Now I will be introducing the Transparent Tarot on to the website very soon.  So if you would like a reading using this deck or any of the others, then please get in touch.

Coyote's Realm ~ Book a reading

Or if you'd like to come and talk about anything spiritual, non spiritual and anything else that interest you then follow the link below to the forum.

Coyote's Realm ~ Forum

Come and join me on Twitter, Facebook and Google +
The more the merrier!! 

Take care

R xx

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wednesday 14th March


What a morning I've had already..... arguments with the kids... 1 appointment down and 1 to go.......
It does feel like there's not enough hours in the day today..... but never mind..... One of these days, I'll be able to drop the kids at school, come home and get everything done all in one go. ;-) 

Actually think that's wishful thinking on my part isn't it? 

Anyway, it's Wednesday, mid week already.... 2 days and it's Friday! ;-)

Wednesdays card is the Queen of Pentacles. 

"Calm your fears, call on me.  I am always here if you should need my help to nurture your dreams.  Despite appearances, this is my ability as Queen and this offer is made to you, my loyal subject."

Despite the things you see, this queen is already to help those in need. As I look at the card today, the hour glass stands out. It's about time today, feeling like there's not enough hours in the day to get everything completed and that we'll have to rush everything. 

It's time to stop standing there looking round at others, and actually ask for the help we need. It may not be with a project, it maybe something to do with the home life. There is no shame in asking for help and guidance to get through things.  

It's also time to learn not to judge a book by it's cover.  Hands up how many of us are guilty of it?
Appearances are always deceptive in any situation.  Let the clouds of judgement be blown from your mind.

Our next card is Strength.
In this deck it represents the eternal spirit, and the ability to overcome all obstacles.

Today, the candles are standing out.  They're showing us that there is a way through this time, we have the light within ourselves which is our strength.  We need to call on this light if we feel ourselves wavering from the path.

Yes, we all want to fall down and have a good cry, but once we've done that, we need to get back up and carry on our way.  When we combine this with our queen above, it's about realising when things are going wrong and having that strength to carry on, and even ask for help.

There is always a way, we just have to strength in our faith and our belief's to actually carry on the way we are going.

Our Fortune card today is the Winds of Change.  A change is forth coming.  
Circumstances or destiny has been altered in some way, now you must decide whether to change your direction or stay on your current course.  New prospects and potential new problems are on the horizon, so be prepared to change your way of thinking or your plans.

It looks like today, we're going to need the queen and the strength card in order to help us with the changes that are coming.  Now you just have to decide, are these going to be changes for the better or for the worse.... I know which I'd rather have.
So what's it going to be for you?  Stay the same or Change your way of thinking?

That's all for today, but watch this space for the Transparent Tarot, which will be coming soon.

In the mean time, have a good day and I'll see you all tomorrow. 

R xxx

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Tuesday 13th March

Good morning again everyone,

Hope you've got some nice weather where you are right now.  It's a bit cold and grey here, but it's not raining which is a plus.  So where are you all? Feel free to let me know if the cards helped you, if you like them or not. 

This isn't just about me, it's about all you guys out there.  get in touch, come and join Coyote's Realm Forum, everyone's welcome.

Today we have the Sun.  

"The creator of all life, bringer of daylight and hope; in it's splendour we are enlightened and filled with joyous optimism.  We are able to see clearly and understand the truth."

See the truth, be the truth today.  Allow the warmth of the sun to open up new door ways for you.  Let yourself be renewed with hope and optimism, let yourself be enlightened with the wisdom of others.  From the highest mountains to the deepest valleys.  Wisdom and words come from all around.  It's a new day today, just as it is everyday, you can be the person you want to be, you can lead others or follow your own path. 

So, our next card is the Wheel of Fortune.  It's been out a few times this card.

This card represents the spirit facing the fate.  We all have to accept what is coming our way, whether we like it or not.

Karma comes to us all,  big or small, old or young.  Sometimes we have to learn to accept the things that have happened, and that they were for a reason.  It is difficult and we must realise that it is only us who puts the barriers in our way.  We can change this, we can turn that wheel around, we can open the gates or climb the wall that holds us in. 

The tide is changing yet again.  Where as before we were quietly in the background, yet again we come to the fore, now it is time to be noticed, to stand strong and not look down, but like the magician we need to hold our head up high.

Let us all start changing the way we do things.  Introduce something new, something fun, lighten the mood for another.  Accept what is happening right now, and that you can't change what has happened for what could of happened.  Change is coming, be ready.

Our fortune card today is The Wizard.  

He's a sage philosopher and advisor, as well as being a skilled practitioner of the known sciences and the art of magick.  He possesses a mysterious and charming demeanor.  

The wizard's power is derived from secret knowledge.  
Remember an abuse of power can lead to misfortune.  Use your skills to aid others and you will advance to great things.

Also use your skills to help others around you in need.  It may be your knowledge or your guidance.  Pass it on though, you never know what you'll get back if you don't. ;-) 

Have a good day, well what's left of it.....
I've got parent's evening tonight, lucky me..... 

Take care and see you all tomorrow 

Robyn xx