Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Tuesday 27th March

Good Morning....
Well another beautiful day here, yet again.... better make the most of it really seeing as it might not last, you know what the weather is like ;-) 

So for today, we have the Transparent Tarot and the Llewellyn Tarot.

Today, we have the High Priestess, the Knight of Pentacles and the 2 of swords.

So today, staring with the Knight, it's looking like he's on a journey.  As we take a look at him, we see that he's down to earth, trust worthy and steady.  He's not one of these people who is the centre of attention, he tends not too stand out.  he is more likely to work behind the scenes rather than be in the spotlight.  A hard worker, he likes to succeed in the things he does, and prefers quality over quantity.   

This journey that he's on, is again about finding the spiritual knowledge that is inside himself, but that he also has started to gain access to.  He's starting to move forward on his journey, if he hasn't already realised it.  It's time to meditate and focus on the job in hand.  

The 2 of swords, is sitting and patiently working through the book or the knowledge he has been given.
Now, at this moment in time, there maybe a conflict going on with this Knight, a conflict of interests perhaps, or needing to find the right balance before undertaking anything else.  There are 2 pathways, and which one is chosen is up to the knight.  Nobody else can choose his pathway for him, only he can do it.

How many people around you do you know that keep the peace but at their own expense?  It is difficult to walk both pathways at the same time, and give both the full attention they deserve.  In order to progress, you have to choose just one path.

Also think about the environmental impact on the world and try to live a more sustainable lifestyle.  Again, like the rest of the cards today, it's time to be wise with money, listen to financial advice when it is given to you.

This is the Hanged Man from the Llewellyn deck.  Now most Hanged Man cards picture the man upside down, however this deck doesn't.  The man is hanged on by his hands, and one foot tied behind the other whilst the other remains on the floor.  He's tether to the spot for the present moment, not being able to move.

We look at him through the doorway, but it feels like he is moving away from me, but as I look closely, I feel myself moving away from him rather than him away from me.

Patience is a key word with this card, but the more I look today, the more I see that I am starting to move forward again with the journey, we are no longer still.

It has felt like the door has been closed to us for a long time, and now it is open we can start to move on because the timing is right, everything that needed working on has been worked on and so now we can move on, and carry on this journey, but it may well mean we leave others behind because they are not ready.

You can't hold yourself back when it is time to move forward in anything you do.  You are not alone on this journey and you know that.

For a reading with these cards, or any others I use for that matter, please head on over to  Coyote's Realm

Right, take care everyone and I'll see you all tomorrow.

Lots of love and hugs

R xxxx

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