Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wednesday 14th March


What a morning I've had already..... arguments with the kids... 1 appointment down and 1 to go.......
It does feel like there's not enough hours in the day today..... but never mind..... One of these days, I'll be able to drop the kids at school, come home and get everything done all in one go. ;-) 

Actually think that's wishful thinking on my part isn't it? 

Anyway, it's Wednesday, mid week already.... 2 days and it's Friday! ;-)

Wednesdays card is the Queen of Pentacles. 

"Calm your fears, call on me.  I am always here if you should need my help to nurture your dreams.  Despite appearances, this is my ability as Queen and this offer is made to you, my loyal subject."

Despite the things you see, this queen is already to help those in need. As I look at the card today, the hour glass stands out. It's about time today, feeling like there's not enough hours in the day to get everything completed and that we'll have to rush everything. 

It's time to stop standing there looking round at others, and actually ask for the help we need. It may not be with a project, it maybe something to do with the home life. There is no shame in asking for help and guidance to get through things.  

It's also time to learn not to judge a book by it's cover.  Hands up how many of us are guilty of it?
Appearances are always deceptive in any situation.  Let the clouds of judgement be blown from your mind.

Our next card is Strength.
In this deck it represents the eternal spirit, and the ability to overcome all obstacles.

Today, the candles are standing out.  They're showing us that there is a way through this time, we have the light within ourselves which is our strength.  We need to call on this light if we feel ourselves wavering from the path.

Yes, we all want to fall down and have a good cry, but once we've done that, we need to get back up and carry on our way.  When we combine this with our queen above, it's about realising when things are going wrong and having that strength to carry on, and even ask for help.

There is always a way, we just have to strength in our faith and our belief's to actually carry on the way we are going.

Our Fortune card today is the Winds of Change.  A change is forth coming.  
Circumstances or destiny has been altered in some way, now you must decide whether to change your direction or stay on your current course.  New prospects and potential new problems are on the horizon, so be prepared to change your way of thinking or your plans.

It looks like today, we're going to need the queen and the strength card in order to help us with the changes that are coming.  Now you just have to decide, are these going to be changes for the better or for the worse.... I know which I'd rather have.
So what's it going to be for you?  Stay the same or Change your way of thinking?

That's all for today, but watch this space for the Transparent Tarot, which will be coming soon.

In the mean time, have a good day and I'll see you all tomorrow. 

R xxx


  1. Your interpretation of these cards is perfect for me today ((((Robyn)))) Thank you always for sharing your guidance x

  2. Your Welcome Pam.

    It's the same for me today as well.... so many things to do, so little time to do it all in... ;-) xxx
