Friday, 23 March 2012

Friday 23rd March

Good morning Everyone,
How's your day been so far?  It started off dull here, but it's getting brighter now :)
What a busy morning for me already, have hoovered, moped the floor, tidied the kitchen and done a bit of DIY already.... plus the cards.... Not sure that I've actually stopped ;-) 

Anyway, Here's your cards today we're having the Gothic Tarot, transparent Tarot and also the Enchanted Oracle today.

We start Friday off with the Queen of Swords

I admire your honesty, but you are not telling you Queen everything, are you?  How am I able to aid you if you hold things back from me?  
How can others help us when we don't give them the full story? I feel like I'm drowning in sorrow today with this card, and I want to say about wearing your heart on your sleeve. 

You need to start being more open with others, telling them the things that you hold close to your heart. Start to release the things held in your heart and you can start to heal. 
It could manifest at any time, when it is least expected, but know that you are loved with passion, kindness and caring, and that you will not be turned away for saying what is troubling you, or what you feel.
This is when the healing truly starts. 

Here's the Dark Queen from the Enchanted Oracle.

You know those answers and the understanding you've been seeking?  There's good news and there's bad news.... ;-)  

The good news is .... it can be found..... the bad news is, it maybe better to leave that stone unturned.... In a way, it's a bit like Atlantis ;-)
We know it was there, but should we really seek it out, for fear of what maybe or may not be found? 

Consider for the moment about letting things drop, but know that if you persist, your prayers will be heard and you will get your answer.  As is befitting a gift from the Dark Queen, it is like a double-edged sword : It will cut through your confusion, but at the same time it will hurt.  The answer will be veiled and hidden away and you will have to look closely for it.  Be aware of signs around you, seek answers deep within.  It maybe you have to search the hidden corners of your mind.
The question is, do you really need to know the answer and risk hurting the ones you love?  

Think carefully before you speak.
Ok, for our last deck, the Transparent Tarot, we 're looking the 4 and 7 of Pentacles and the Hanged One.

Our 4 of pentacles, well he's a bit of an old scrooge.  he doesn't really want to part with his hard earned cash, and who can blame him, but the thing is, he's placing all of his ideals in one thing.  There's the saying, don't put your eggs in one basket.... We need this guy to learn to share.... share his knowledge, his wisdom, and make him learn to share some of his cash around, and not be so materialistic.  he needs to learn to be like our 7 of Pentacles.
Our 7 has learnt to juggle things around to make them work.  Its taken time and patience though.  he's learnt to share, and the things that he has paid into, are now starting to reward him, he has reaped what he has sown in life.  this guy is ready to make that big step forward now, whether it's getting married or starting something new, he is ready to step into the big wide world.
This card ties in nicely with our Hanged one, because our hanged one is about time and patience, as is the 7.  We can grow so much both in our selves and also spiritually when we take the time to sit and wait.
We do need sometimes to take a step back and view things from a different angle, but when we do, things will appear much clearer and brighter than before.
Our 4 wonders here as to how he can do that, but he needs to think clearly, not with just his head, but his heart as well, he needs to ground himself and move on, but he will get there in time. 

So that's all for today, but as always if you would like a reading with any of these cards, or any of the others that I use, head on over to Coyote's Realm

Take care and have a beautiful day.

R xxx

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